How to Dump Your Diet and Lose Weight Anyway
I know, I know, you want to lose weight, but you’re tired of dieting. I get it, and there’s some good news to share! The good news is there are healthier and more effective ways to slim down. In fact, you can dump your diet and still lose weight! Diets typically help you lose 5 to 10% of your starting weight in the first six months. The first week or two are usually easy to get through. You lose weight at first, but then you hit the dreaded plateau. What diet programs don’t share is that the first surge of weight loss is actually water weight. They don’t teach you…
Is Organic Really Healthy?
We think of organic food as healthy, but is organic really healthy? It offers certain advantages for sure, but if we believe it to be universally “healthy”, we’re being a bit naive. Much of food labeled “organic” is still processed food, so here are several reasons why organic foods may not necessarily be a guaranteed healthy choice. First of all, what’s the definition of organic? Organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. It usually means the food or the ingredients in the food have been grown without synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge (yes really! gross, but true!!), genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or ionizing radiation. In…
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables give you a ton of health benefits! Encompassing a broad variety of nutritious foods, the cruciferous family is recognized for its exceptional dietary and therapeutic qualities. You may be wondering which veggies are cruciferous. They include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, radish, rutabaga, turnip, arugula, bok choy, collard greens, watercress, mustard greens, and kohlrabi, to name just a few. Power Packed, They Have Tons of Benefits! These power-packed vegetables are rich in essential nutrients and provide a wide range of vitamins, such as Vitamin A, C, E, and K, and minerals like calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc. They are also excellent sources of dietary fiber, which aids…
Managing Obesity – What Works and What Doesn’t
Many things come into play when it comes to managing obesity. Increased physical activity over time, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes are all important. They must be combined and are all part of a new or a renewed commitment to a healthier lifestyle. When you embark on a weight loss and then weight management journey, the first thing you’ll want to do is be realistic about your expectations. It’s vital for your long-term success you acknowledge that the results you crave will not happen quickly. It takes commitment, effort, and time to transition to a healthier lifestyle that is sustainable. It’s also essential to be prepared there will be times…
Different Types of Diabetes
When someone is asked to describe their health relative to diabetes, usually they simply say they’re diabetic. Most people don’t mention whether they have type one or type two diabetes. With either condition, your body struggles with glucose storage and usage, so today, let’s take a look at the different types of diabetes. First of all, glucose is used by your body to create energy. If you are diabetic, your ability to collect the free glucose in your bloodstream is impaired. This starves your body’s cells of the energy is needs to function properly. The two main types of diabetes have many similarities, but they are different diseases. Let’s explore…
Complications Caused by Heart Disease
If you have heart disease, your heart will be less efficient at pumping blood. The blood vessels throughout your body, which facilitate blood flow to various organs, may become damaged as well. Let’s talk about complications caused by heart disease. These conditions can have significant effect on your heart as well as your other organs. The harder your heart has to work to maintain the blood circulation to your body, the more likely it is that you’ll experience one of the major complications from heart disease. Heart Disease’s Major Complications Heart disease can cause serious health issues and events that affect your heart, events such as heart attacks and congestive…
What Healthy Eating Means to You
One of the biggest challenges when it comes to healthy eating really isn’t developing new habits. Before you work on changing habits, it’s important to define what healthy eating means to you. The truth is it’s going to be different for everyone, so before you begin adding new healthy eating habits, it’s a good idea to understand what healthy eating means to you. What Are Your Current Eating Habits? To figure out what you want your healthy eating to look like, begin with where you are now. How and what do you eat on a daily basis? Write down what you eat in a typical week, not just one day.…
Health & Wellness When Working From Home
Positive effects can include having more control over your schedule. This can include reclaiming time for exercise because you don’t have to endure a long, stressful commute. When you don’t have to fight traffic every work day, you can use that time to move more. Just taking an early morning walk gets your blood flowing, clears your head and sets you up for a productive day. Another positive effect can be a reduction in overall stress. Certainly a commute comes into play, but too often we hear about office politics and gossip. If you’re not the one gossiping, being out of this dynamic can be foster a serious improvement in…
Holiday Weight Gain
Do you realize the holidays, with the eating challenges accompanying them, actual begin in October? With them come the threat of holiday weight gain. It’s true! Buying Halloween candy is in full swing long before the actual holiday. And with the purchasing of all the candy, too often comes the eating of all the candy. During the holidays, other than candy, what is and isn’t good for you to eat can be pretty confusing. You’ll hear a lot of mixed opinions and contradictory information, so let’s get a basic run down of what to eat and what to avoid. By creating a list for yourself of what foods you can…
Turkey Burgers with Arugula & Quinoa