• The Best Substitutes for Gluten in Baking
    Clean Eating,  Detoxing,  Healthy Eating,  Healthy Living,  Recipes

    Substitutes For Gluten

    What are good substitutes for gluten and why are they important? If you enjoy baked goods – bread with a crispy crust and a pulley chewy center; cookies that are short and cakes that are moist, you no doubt enjoy eating gluten whether you know it or not. Gluten is an ingredient you’ll find in a huge range of common foods around the world. It’s packed into your cookies and cakes, as well as various breads, soups, pastas, and more. While it’s delicious, it’s been shown to have health implications, both mental and physical for many of us. Not everyone responds well to gluten. In recent years, there’s been a…

  • Tips to Help Relieve Depression
    Depression,  Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement

    Tips for Natural Ways to Help Relieve Depression

      I’d like to share with you some basic tips for natural ways to help relieve depression. Then we’ll dig a little deeper into supplementation and hydration. But first, my collaboration with my friend, Pam Hamilton continues on. At the end of this post, you’ll find a link to her newest post answering the question “How do you recognize when you need to change your mindset?” She talks about how everybody has off days. But, there are a few signs that you’re having more than just an off-day. There are signs that you need to change your mindset so you can actually move forward. It’s important information I’m privileged to…

  • Food Mindset & Transformation
    Depression,  Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement

    Food, Mindset and Transformation

    I want to talk about food, mindset and transformation. I have long avoided the subject about which I probably am the most informed and the most able to share life changing information. It’s about depression, and I’ve avoided it because well, it’s just too depressing. My friend, Pam Hamilton and I decided to have a cross-blog conversation to help you with food, mindset and transformation. Pam’s done a lot of important work with mindset and has really good information to share! She knows if you change your mindset, it will change your life, so read on. I’ll share more about Pam in a bit. The truth is that after 10…

  • Healthy Eating Resolutions

    Healthy Eating Resolutions and Why They Don’t Last Long…

    Healthy eating resolutions, and especially New Year’s resolutions are a time-honored tradition for many of us. One of the most popular resolutions is to decide to eat healthier. Many people find their good intentions don’t last very long though, and they give up their healthy eating goals in just a few weeks. Why is this so common? One of the main reasons people give up on healthy eating is because they try to make too many changes at once. When people decide to eat healthier, they often try to do it all at the same time and begin by cutting out all of their favorite foods, or by drastically reducing…

  • Healthy Eating and Getting Your Energy Back
    Healthy Eating,  Healthy Living

    Healthy Eating and Getting Your Energy Back

    Two of the most important improvements you can make in your life are healthy eating and getting your energy back. Let’s discuss each topic and what to do about them. Finding the Motivation to Eat Healthier Healthy eating is often made to be much more complicated than necessary. There is so much conflicting evidence about what a “healthy diet” even consists of, let alone finding the motivation to follow through with it. Here are some easy ways to eat a healthier diet without the unnecessary struggle.   Take Weight Loss and Aesthetic Goals Out of it While your long-term goal might be to eat healthier in order to shed a…

  • Stress Ages Your Bones
    Healthy Living,  Self Improvement

    Chronic Stress Ages Your Bones and What You Can Do About It

    When you think of the most common problems faced by people as they age in terms of health, you might bring up the fact that they often have weak or brittle bones. This is true, but this isn’t a problem exclusive to older people. In fact, stress ages your bones, giving you some of the same problems that might be experienced by senior citizens, and does irreversible damage to many of your bones and joints. The main culprit here is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that gets released when you’re stressed. It’s meant to help you in the event of a short-term stressful situation, and it can do that. However,…

  • Trying to Lose Weight
    Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement,  Sugar,  Weight

    Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight

    Weight loss is a journey, and it can present different challenges for different people. Here are a few of the common mistakes many of us make when trying to lose weight.   Focusing only on the scale This tends to vary from person to person, but for many, focusing on the scale is one of the worst mistakes you can make when trying to lose weight. It can be discouraging as true weight loss demands time and patience. For others, it’s motivational, and checking in on a daily or weekly basis can help you stay on track. It’s important to understand the different factors that can influence your weight. These…

  • Managing Obesity
    Healthy Eating,  Heart Health,  Sugar,  Weight

    Managing Obesity – What Works and What Doesn’t

    Many things come into play when it comes to managing obesity. Increased physical activity over time, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes are all important. They must be combined and are all part of a new or a renewed commitment to a healthier lifestyle. When you embark on a weight loss and then weight management journey, the first thing you’ll want to do is be realistic about your expectations. It’s vital for your long-term success you acknowledge that the results you crave will not happen quickly. It takes commitment, effort, and time to transition to a healthier lifestyle that is sustainable. It’s also essential to be prepared there will be times…

  • Gaining Weight Unintentionally
    Self Improvement,  Sugar,  Weight

    Gaining Weight Unintentionally? Here are some reasons why…

    It is possible for you to be gaining weight unintentionally, and it can be really frustrating when you can’t understand why you’re gaining the weight. There are several factors that may be causing this. One or more of those factors that may surprise you. Research has shown the surprising fact that lack of sleep or of good quality sleep plays a part in causing you to gain weight while food choices remain the leading cause. Here are some of the most likely reasons you are gaining weight unintentionally.   Consuming too many highly processed foods. Plain yogurt, frozen fruit, and oats are just a few of the healthy foods that…

  • Overweight or Obese

    Overweight Or Obese, Is There A Difference?

    Many of us don’t have a clear understanding of the difference between the terms “overweight” and “obese”. These two terms are often used interchangeably, however, do the terms overweight and obesity really mean the same thing? Overweight or obese, is there any difference at all? If you’re overweight, does it mean you’re obese as well? To define both overweight and obesity, BMI, or body mass index, is used. Your weight and height are what’s used to calculate this. Someone with a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 is considered to be overweight. Once you pass that BMI of 29.9 and have a BMI of 30.0, you will be medically diagnosed with…