Self Improvement

Self Improvement

  • The Power of Habit
    Healthy Living,  Self Improvement

    The Power of Habit

    Perhaps most important of all is the understanding of the power of habit. The things we do, including the food we eat and the exercise get or don’t get are the result of habit. It is my belief that changing habits is much more important and much more effective than going on a program or a diet to make radical changes. The odds of the boomerang effect kicking in, which is what I call the return to the familiar, are great and can have a real negative impact on your self-esteem and your belief you can truly change anything at all in any aspect of your life. I’ve been reading…

  • 7 Tips to Nurture Your Mind
    Self Improvement

    7 Tips to Help Nurture Your Mind

    When it comes to a discussion about health and wellness, people often think about their physical health. They switch up their diet, add exercise to their routine, and make sure they stay hydrated by drinking enough water. All this is so important for your health and vitality, but it’s important to remember your mental and emotional health as well! It’s important to nurture your mind! Where do you begin if you realize you’ve not been including this in the vision you have for your excellent health? I’m so glad you asked! Here are a few helpful tips for nurturing and nourishing your mind as well as your body!   Being…

  • 5 Ways to Improve Hair and Nail Health
    Detoxing,  Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement

    5 Ways to Improve Hair and Nail Health

    Concerned about your hair and nail health? Healthy hair and strong nails go hand-in-hand. Both your hair and nails contain the same tough protein “keratin” which is responsible for creating the fibers which make your nails and hair grow and stay strong and healthy. If you take steps to improve your hair health, there’s a good chance you’ll boost your nail strength too. If you’ve ever worried about losing your hair or have issues with thinning hair, committing to caring for it is a good idea. It’s a good idea to be particularly cautious about hair care if you chemically treat your hair in any way: coloring, straightening, etc. Healthy…

  • Tips to Help Relieve Depression
    Depression,  Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement

    Tips for Natural Ways to Help Relieve Depression

      I’d like to share with you some basic tips for natural ways to help relieve depression. Then we’ll dig a little deeper into supplementation and hydration. But first, my collaboration with my friend, Pam Hamilton continues on. At the end of this post, you’ll find a link to her newest post answering the question “How do you recognize when you need to change your mindset?” She talks about how everybody has off days. But, there are a few signs that you’re having more than just an off-day. There are signs that you need to change your mindset so you can actually move forward. It’s important information I’m privileged to…

  • Food Mindset & Transformation
    Depression,  Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement

    Food, Mindset and Transformation

    I want to talk about food, mindset and transformation. I have long avoided the subject about which I probably am the most informed and the most able to share life changing information. It’s about depression, and I’ve avoided it because well, it’s just too depressing. My friend, Pam Hamilton and I decided to have a cross-blog conversation to help you with food, mindset and transformation. Pam’s done a lot of important work with mindset and has really good information to share! She knows if you change your mindset, it will change your life, so read on. I’ll share more about Pam in a bit. The truth is that after 10…

  • Stress Ages Your Bones
    Healthy Living,  Self Improvement

    Chronic Stress Ages Your Bones and What You Can Do About It

    When you think of the most common problems faced by people as they age in terms of health, you might bring up the fact that they often have weak or brittle bones. This is true, but this isn’t a problem exclusive to older people. In fact, stress ages your bones, giving you some of the same problems that might be experienced by senior citizens, and does irreversible damage to many of your bones and joints. The main culprit here is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that gets released when you’re stressed. It’s meant to help you in the event of a short-term stressful situation, and it can do that. However,…

  • Trying to Lose Weight
    Healthy Eating,  Self Improvement,  Sugar,  Weight

    Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight

    Weight loss is a journey, and it can present different challenges for different people. Here are a few of the common mistakes many of us make when trying to lose weight.   Focusing only on the scale This tends to vary from person to person, but for many, focusing on the scale is one of the worst mistakes you can make when trying to lose weight. It can be discouraging as true weight loss demands time and patience. For others, it’s motivational, and checking in on a daily or weekly basis can help you stay on track. It’s important to understand the different factors that can influence your weight. These…

  • Gaining Weight Unintentionally
    Self Improvement,  Sugar,  Weight

    Gaining Weight Unintentionally? Here are some reasons why…

    It is possible for you to be gaining weight unintentionally, and it can be really frustrating when you can’t understand why you’re gaining the weight. There are several factors that may be causing this. One or more of those factors that may surprise you. Research has shown the surprising fact that lack of sleep or of good quality sleep plays a part in causing you to gain weight while food choices remain the leading cause. Here are some of the most likely reasons you are gaining weight unintentionally.   Consuming too many highly processed foods. Plain yogurt, frozen fruit, and oats are just a few of the healthy foods that…

  • Healthy Productivity and Personal Growth
    Depression,  Healthy Eating,  Healthy Living,  Self Improvement

    Healthy Productivity and Personal Growth

     “In order to be knowledgeable in these changing times, we must pursue a constant program of self-improvement, a never-ending journey into new fields of knowledge and learning.” – Og Mandino Healthy productivity and personal growth can take many forms. These forms and focuses will change during our lives depending upon goals we set and challenges we experience along the way. Paramount for me, on more than one occasion, personal growth showed up in the form of healthy eating; first when I was twenty-eight years old and then again in 2012. When I wanted to write a post on healthy productivity and personal growth, I decided to invite a few friends…

  • Keep Self-Talk Positive
    Depression,  Self Improvement

    Don’t be Mean to You! 5 Tips for Keeping Your Self-Talk Positive

    There are things we do (or should do) every day without thinking. We need to be brushing our teeth and drinking enough water. We know it’s in our best interest to eat healthfully and make time to exercise. If we’re really on task, we might also be doing something to expand our minds or work toward a specific goal. We should also make every effort to keep self-talk positive. Consider this: of everything in your day, what would you say is the single most important thing you do? Chances have you answered something to do with sleeping properly or taking care of your physical health. Believe it or not, there’s…