Healthy Living
Healthy Living
The Power of Habit
Perhaps most important of all is the understanding of the power of habit. The things we do, including the food we eat and the exercise get or don’t get are the result of habit. It is my belief that changing habits is much more important and much more effective than going on a program or a diet to make radical changes. The odds of the boomerang effect kicking in, which is what I call the return to the familiar, are great and can have a real negative impact on your self-esteem and your belief you can truly change anything at all in any aspect of your life. I’ve been reading…
History of Holistic Health Practices
The history and evolution of holistic health practices span thousands of years, reflecting a diverse range of cultural beliefs and medical philosophies. The concept of holistic health, which considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – in the pursuit of optimal health and wellness, has deep roots in ancient medical practices: Ancient Beginnings: Holistic health’s earliest forms can be traced back to ancient civilizations. In India, Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, was developed around 3000 BC. It emphasizes the balance of body, mind, spirit, and social well-being. Ayurveda’s foundational texts, including those written by Sushruta, the “father of Surgery,” in the…
3 Tips for Great Sleep
3 Tips to Make Sure You Get All the Sleep Your Brain Needs to Stay Healthy It seems insomnia is a modern epidemic. Whether you deal with insomnia or you are chronically sleep-deprived, it’s likely that poor sleep is affecting your performance both personally and professionally. These 3 tips will help you modify your sleep practices and help you feel rested and refreshed! Let’s face it, sleep deprivation feels terrible. You will have noticed if you’ve had a bad night’s sleep, you feel sluggish, heavy, and slow, as though you’re trying to walk through syrup. You’re clumsy and confused, you feel older than your years and nothing seems to go…
Is Organic Really Healthy?
We think of organic food as healthy, but is organic really healthy? It offers certain advantages for sure, but if we believe it to be universally “healthy”, we’re being a bit naive. Much of food labeled “organic” is still processed food, so here are several reasons why organic foods may not necessarily be a guaranteed healthy choice. First of all, what’s the definition of organic? Organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. It usually means the food or the ingredients in the food have been grown without synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge (yes really! gross, but true!!), genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or ionizing radiation. In…
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables give you a ton of health benefits! Encompassing a broad variety of nutritious foods, the cruciferous family is recognized for its exceptional dietary and therapeutic qualities. You may be wondering which veggies are cruciferous. They include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, radish, rutabaga, turnip, arugula, bok choy, collard greens, watercress, mustard greens, and kohlrabi, to name just a few. Power Packed, They Have Tons of Benefits! These power-packed vegetables are rich in essential nutrients and provide a wide range of vitamins, such as Vitamin A, C, E, and K, and minerals like calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc. They are also excellent sources of dietary fiber, which aids…
Adopting a Healthier Diet
Embracing Persistence: Overcoming Challenges in Adopting a Healthier Diet Embarking upon a journey to adopting a healthier diet is a commendable decision as it promises long-term benefits for your overall well-being. However, your transformation will not be without its challenges. It requires persistence—a steadfast commitment to making positive dietary changes despite the hurdles that may arise along the way. In this article, I want to share with you the importance of persistence in changing to a healthier diet and to shed some light on common obstacles you may face on your journey. Understanding the Significance of Persistence When it comes to adopting a healthier diet, persistence will serve as the…
Eating Out Of Boredom
Have you ever gotten mid-way through a snack, only to realize you’re not actually hungry – just bored? Scientists have explored the concept of boredom eating for some time, suggesting it could stem from a range of factors, including the sense of pleasure we get when we eat. But, how do you stop eating out of boredom? When we’re bored, we may eat out of habit or in an effort to fill an emptiness we feel inside. It’s pretty common for most of us to reach for food when you don’t have anything else to do. While eating out of boredom from time to time isn’t necessarily something to worry…
Substitutes For Gluten
What are good substitutes for gluten and why are they important? If you enjoy baked goods – bread with a crispy crust and a pulley chewy center; cookies that are short and cakes that are moist, you no doubt enjoy eating gluten whether you know it or not. Gluten is an ingredient you’ll find in a huge range of common foods around the world. It’s packed into your cookies and cakes, as well as various breads, soups, pastas, and more. While it’s delicious, it’s been shown to have health implications, both mental and physical for many of us. Not everyone responds well to gluten. In recent years, there’s been a…
Healthy Eating and Getting Your Energy Back
Two of the most important improvements you can make in your life are healthy eating and getting your energy back. Let’s discuss each topic and what to do about them. Finding the Motivation to Eat Healthier Healthy eating is often made to be much more complicated than necessary. There is so much conflicting evidence about what a “healthy diet” even consists of, let alone finding the motivation to follow through with it. Here are some easy ways to eat a healthier diet without the unnecessary struggle. Take Weight Loss and Aesthetic Goals Out of it While your long-term goal might be to eat healthier in order to shed a…
Chronic Stress Ages Your Bones and What You Can Do About It
When you think of the most common problems faced by people as they age in terms of health, you might bring up the fact that they often have weak or brittle bones. This is true, but this isn’t a problem exclusive to older people. In fact, stress ages your bones, giving you some of the same problems that might be experienced by senior citizens, and does irreversible damage to many of your bones and joints. The main culprit here is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that gets released when you’re stressed. It’s meant to help you in the event of a short-term stressful situation, and it can do that. However,…