3 Tips for Great Sleep
3 Tips to Make Sure You Get All the Sleep Your Brain Needs to Stay Healthy It seems insomnia is a modern epidemic. Whether you deal with insomnia or you are chronically sleep-deprived, it’s likely that poor sleep is affecting your performance both personally and professionally. These 3 tips will help you modify your sleep practices and help you feel rested and refreshed! Let’s face it, sleep deprivation feels terrible. You will have noticed if you’ve had a bad night’s sleep, you feel sluggish, heavy, and slow, as though you’re trying to walk through syrup. You’re clumsy and confused, you feel older than your years and nothing seems to go…
Is It Sadness or Depression
Is it sadness or depression? In our world, the terms “sadness” and “depression” are often used interchangeably, but especially for anyone who has lived with depression, they signify very different experiences. Understanding this difference can go a long way in understanding our own mental health as well as in understanding how we can support those around us. Sadness or Depression Sadness is a natural human emotion, typically triggered by specific situations or events, such as a disappointment, a death or other kind of loss or a frustration or disappointment in life. It’s characterized by feelings of unhappiness, tearfulness, or a heavy heart. The key aspect of sadness is that…
Food and Mood
8 Foods That Can Help Improve Your Mood Your food doesn’t just impact your waistline, it can also affect your mood. Consider that everything you eat is broken down and absorbed by your body. Of course, it can certainly have an effect on your mood. The food you eat impacts how you feel, so let’s dig into food and mood. Just to give you an example, consider for a moment how eating a piece of chocolate impacts your mood differently than eating a plain baked potato. Pretty different, right? See how what you put into your body matters to your body and your mind: Fermented foods – Fermented foods are…
Tips for Natural Ways to Help Relieve Depression
I’d like to share with you some basic tips for natural ways to help relieve depression. Then we’ll dig a little deeper into supplementation and hydration. But first, my collaboration with my friend, Pam Hamilton continues on. At the end of this post, you’ll find a link to her newest post answering the question “How do you recognize when you need to change your mindset?” She talks about how everybody has off days. But, there are a few signs that you’re having more than just an off-day. There are signs that you need to change your mindset so you can actually move forward. It’s important information I’m privileged to…
Food, Mindset and Transformation
I want to talk about food, mindset and transformation. I have long avoided the subject about which I probably am the most informed and the most able to share life changing information. It’s about depression, and I’ve avoided it because well, it’s just too depressing. My friend, Pam Hamilton and I decided to have a cross-blog conversation to help you with food, mindset and transformation. Pam’s done a lot of important work with mindset and has really good information to share! She knows if you change your mindset, it will change your life, so read on. I’ll share more about Pam in a bit. The truth is that after 10…
Meditation and Depression
Depression is a huge problem all around the world, so today I want to explore meditation and depression. More than 264 million people globally suffer some form of depression according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2020 In 2015, about 16.1 million US adults had at least one major depressive episode in the past year 11% of adolescents have a depressive disorder by age 18 Women are 70% more likely than men to have depression and about 12 million women in the United States experience clinical depression each year Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world (WHO, 2020) Depression is a mental health diagnosis where certain symptoms…
Healthy Productivity and Personal Growth
“In order to be knowledgeable in these changing times, we must pursue a constant program of self-improvement, a never-ending journey into new fields of knowledge and learning.” – Og Mandino Healthy productivity and personal growth can take many forms. These forms and focuses will change during our lives depending upon goals we set and challenges we experience along the way. Paramount for me, on more than one occasion, personal growth showed up in the form of healthy eating; first when I was twenty-eight years old and then again in 2012. When I wanted to write a post on healthy productivity and personal growth, I decided to invite a few friends…
Don’t be Mean to You! 5 Tips for Keeping Your Self-Talk Positive
There are things we do (or should do) every day without thinking. We need to be brushing our teeth and drinking enough water. We know it’s in our best interest to eat healthfully and make time to exercise. If we’re really on task, we might also be doing something to expand our minds or work toward a specific goal. We should also make every effort to keep self-talk positive. Consider this: of everything in your day, what would you say is the single most important thing you do? Chances have you answered something to do with sleeping properly or taking care of your physical health. Believe it or not, there’s…
Are You on Fire? What are the Different Types of Inflammation?
These days we hear so much about inflammation. Avoid it, reduce it, don’t do things that inflame your body and your mind. But, what exactly is inflammation; what are the different types of inflammation is it truly harmful to our health, and if so, why is it so harmful? Very simply put, inflammation is the body’s reaction to infection or tissue damage. Our bodies respond the invader to send agents to the offended/damaged site in an effort to eliminate the problem and to heal your body. Inflammation in its true and intended form is a good thing; in fact, it is a protective mechanism designed to protect you and save…
Beat Anxiety
Would you like to beat anxiety ? Let’s face it. A certain amount of anxiety is a normal part of life. Extreme anxiety or feeling anxious for no reason can be devastating though. If you experience insomnia, tiredness, headaches, inability to calm yourself down or reason with yourself and/or a number of other maladies, you may be a candidate for some natural remedies to help you get your life back. There is some good news though! Be sure to read to the bottom of the post where I reveal a surprising discovery I recently made that’s helping my stress level. The following natural remedies to help you beat anxiety: Passionflower –…